poniedziałek, 4 lipca 2016

Obchody 50 - lecia Ośrodka Zen w Rochester

W ten weekend 1- 3 lipca 2016 roku odbyły się obchody 50 - lecia istnienia Ośrodka Zen w Rochester (USA, NY).  To był pierwszy ośrodek, który w 1966 roku założył Rosi Philip Kapleau i zaczął nauczać po powrocie z Japonii, gdzie przeszedł przez 13 letni intensywny trening zen.

W obchodach uczestniczyło kilka set osób, wszyscy żyjący spadkobiercy, w tym nasza Rosi Sunya wraz z mężem Rosi Lawsonem.

Dostaliśmy kilka zdjęć od Mariana Malinowskiego, który uczestniczył także w obchodach. Oto one:

July 1-3, 2016

Friday, July 1

Welcome Receptions (Arnold Park & Chapin Mill)

3:00 – 7:00 pm Registration & Information Desk (Arnold Park link and Retreat Center foyer)

Upon arriving, please check in at the desk to receive a nametag, program, and a special gift.
3:00 – 7:00 pm Reception: Tea and Sweets (Arnold Park garden and Chapin Mill dining room)

4:00 – 6:00 pm RZC Store (5 Arnold Park parlor and Retreat Center foyer)

RZC T-shirts and teacups as well as incense will be available for purchase.

Saturday, July 2

Celebration and Informal Devotions (Arnold Park)

10:00 am – 3:00 pm Registration & Information Desk (in the Link)

Only necessary for those who did not check in previously.
10:00 am – 11:00 am RZC Store (5 Arnold Park parlor)

11:30 am Welcoming Remarks & Introduction of Teachers (garden)

Noon – 2:00 pm Vegetarian Lunch Buffet by Orange Glory (parking lot area)

Noon – 2:00 pm Perrin Yang Quartet Performance (garden)

Rebecca Gilbert, Flute
Perrin Yang, Violin
Marc Anderson, Viola
Benjamin Krug, Cello

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm RZC Store (5 Arnold Park parlor)

7:30 – 9:30 pm Leo Kottke Concert (Memorial Art Gallery Auditorium)

Seating limited to those who pre-registered.

Sunday, July 3

Sangha Picnic & Festivities (Chapin Mill)

In addition to the activities below, we’ll have a variety of outdoor activities and games. Dress for the weather conditions and bring along a bathing suit and towel for swimming in the pond (when lifeguard is present).

9:30 am First of three shuttles departs from Arnold Park to Chapin Mill (departs from the lot adjacent to the RZC lot, i.e. Lutheran Church lot)

10:00 am Second shuttle departs from Arnold Park to Chapin Mill

10:00 am – 3:00 pm: Registration & Information Desk (Retreat Center foyer)

Only necessary for those who did not check in previously
11:00 am Last shuttle departs from Arnold Park to Chapin Mill

11:00 – Noon RZC Store (Retreat Center foyer)

11:30 am – Noon Guided tour of Chapin Mill Retreat Center (meeting location: Retreat Center foyer)

• This same tour is offered at 1:30 pm. To manage the number of participants, guests will be asked to sign up for the 11:30 am or 1:30 pm tour at the Registration & Information Desk. Self-guided tours can be taken at any time. Informational signs about notable figures, furnishings, building features, etc. will be posted throughout the building.

11:00 am – 3:00 pm Music in the meadow, featuring Sangha artists:

• 11:00 am–12:00 pm: Singer and songwriter Susanna Rose http://www.susannarose.com/
• Noon–1:00 pm: Jazz standards with Carlos Sanchez (Guitar), John Botsford (Vocals), and Phil Swanson (Trombone and Piano) http://swansonmusic.com/
• 1:00–2:00 pm: Singer and songwriter Shelley O’Brien http://shelleyobrien.ca/
• 2:00–3:00 pm: Golden oldies and classics from the 60s, 70s and 80s with Addison Heffernan (Vocals and Guitar), Phil Swanson (Trombone and Piano), and Carlos Sanchez (Guitar)

Noon – 2:00 pm Vegetarian Barbecue Picnic Lunch by Sticky Lips Pit BBQ (served in field next to the Mill House)

1:30–2:00 pm Guided tour of Chapin Mill Retreat Center (meeting location: Retreat Center foyer)

2:00 pm Chapin Mill Courtyard design presentation by sculptor Todd McGrain (Retreat Center exercise room, lower level) http://www.toddmcgrain.com/

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm RZC Store (Retreat Center foyer)

3:00 pm Future columbarium site tour (meeting location: pond area in front of the barn)

3:30 pm Departure of first shuttle to Arnold Park (barn field)

4:30 pm Departure of second shuttle to Arnold Park (barn field)

5:15 pm Departure of last shuttle to Arnold Park (barn field)

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